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Deployment of UI5 apps to on premise systems

For a more streamlined development experience it is necessary not to switch out of your development environment. Also for developers who are not familiar with SAP technology you may want to prepare a simpler way of deploying their UI5 application to an SAP on premise system.

To accomplish this, you need to install the node.js module ui5-nwabap-deployer-cli with npm (either locally or globally).
For global installation execute

npm install ui5-nwabap-deployer-cli -g

Please refer to the documentation of the node.js module (see references for the link) for detailed installation instructions and further configuration options.

Create a file called ui5deployrc in your project root.

    "server": "<your on premise system url>",
    "client": "<your on premise mandate>",
    "package": "<refer to a valid package here. if you specify a local package (beginning with $) it won't get deployed>",
    "bspContainer": "<container name to store the files to>",
    "bspContainerText": "<description for the container>",
    "createTransport": true,
    "transportText": "<description of the transport request>",
    "transportUseLocked": true

These are the minimal values to let the node module create a new transport (if not exists) in your system. With this configuration it will reuse the transport if it is locked.

To authenticate with your on premise system it is discouraged to put your credentials within the ui5deployrc file, because you will include it in your VCS. Instead you may inject your username and password from environment variables of your system, while calling the node module from the commandline. This procedure enables you to even process your deployment from any CI/CD system.

For this simple bash script to work, you have to export SAP_ONPREMISE_USER and SAP_ONPREMISE_PASSWORD before executing. It is best to add your variable definitions to your .bashrc to have them set in every future bash session.


rm -rf dist
npm run "build"

ui5-deployer deploy --user "${SAP_ONPREMISE_USER}" --pwd "${SAP_ONPREMISE_PASSWORD}"

Change this script accordingly if you use a different shell.
