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async / await

async / await is not compatible with IE 11!

I suggest reading the Promise chapter first.

Get the Promisified OData call ES6 ready

You could use the Promisified OData call, but why not use modern syntax? 😎

Documentation of the used features:

 * Returns the result of the OData call
 * @param {object} payload - The payload which equals to the entity
 * @param {object} parameters - The parameters like Filters added to the OData call
 * @returns {Promise} Promise object represents result of the OData call
function readMyEntity({ payload, parameters = {} }) {
  const model = this.getView().getModel()
  return model.metadataLoaded()
    .then(() => {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const key = model.createKey('/MyEntitySet', payload)
        // prevent success / error callbacks to be overwritten
        const params = {
          success: (data, response) => {
            // prevent accidently change of response data for subsequent calls
            resolve({ data: { }, response });
          error: error => {
            // additional error handling when needed
        }, params)
        // update could look like this:
        // model.update(key, payload, params)
        // create could look like this:
        // model.create('/MyEntitySet', payload, params)
        // delete could look like this:
        // model.remove(key, params)

async / await syntax sugar

async function init() {
  try {
    const { data, response } = await readMyEntity({ id: 12345 })
    console.log(data, response)
  } catch (error) {
  } finally {
    // code placed here will run, even if you throw an error in catch

Run multiple Promises in parallel


Breaks with the first Promise that is rejected.

async function init() {
  try {
    const [result1, result2] = await Promise.all([
      readMyEntity({ id: 12345 }),
      readMyEntity({ id: 67890 }),
    console.log(result1, result2)
  } catch (error) {


Waits until all Promises are fullfilled and tells the status as well as the result.

async function init() {
  try {
    const [result1, result2] = await Promise.allSettled([
      readMyEntity({ id: 12345 }),
      readMyEntity({ id: 67890 }),
    console.log(result1, result2)
  } catch (error) {