Topic Collection Progress
Error Handling (@Tobias) –> created
i18n (@Marian) –> created
Naming Convention(@Adrian) –> created
Patterns (@Sven) –> not yet started: Issue
Layouts –> no Sponsor yet: Issue
Navigation (@Herbert) –> in Progress: PR
- Routing
- DeepLinks
oData v2,v4, REST (@Herbert) –> created
- Do and Don’ts
- Don’t: Plain Ajax Requests
Model-View-Controller (@Adrian) –> created
- Do’s and Don’ts
- Do: Smart Controls
Controls (@Christian) –> not yet created: Issue
- Do’s and Don’ts
- Do: Smart Controls
- Do’s and Don’ts
Custom Controls –> no Sponsor yet: Issue
- How to create and use custom controls?
Fiori Elements vs. Free-Style (@Tobias & @Natalie) –> created
- When use what
Anotations XML vs Backend –> no Sponsor yet: Issue
- WebApp Folder vs Backend
Testing (@Oliver) –> created
- QUnit
Tooling (@Benjamin) –> in Progress: PR
- CI / CD
- App Versioning - Best practice to follow up on Versions (Support)
- UI5 Generator (
IDE (@Christian & @Benjamin) –> not yet created: Issue
- VSCode / BAS
Performance (@Martin) –> created
- Async vs Sync
- Promise
UI-Client –> no Sponsor yet: Issue
- Camera , GPS , ..
UX Design Guidelines (@Janis) –> created
- Fiori UX Guide (
Extension of SAP Apps (@Denny) –> not yet created: Issue
Security –> no Sponsor yet: Issue
- WebSecurity in UI5 - Best Practices - Dos and Fonts
- Authorizations in UI5 Apps - Best Practice on how to?
Tipps (@Lukas) –> not yet started: Issue
- Client Debugging - Best Practice on how to?
- To be defined
Validations –> no Sponsor yet:
- how do I validate forms and fields generically?
External Libraries - how do I integrate them in my UI5 project? –> no Sponsor yet:
- Upload (Cloud/onPremise) - Best Practice on how to?
- Encapsulation / Structuring of Code / MVC Concept?
Validations –> no Sponsor yet: